  • Freedom From Porn Is Real
  • We Are Apostolic
  • You Are Never Alone



No Judgement, No Shame, Just Freedom And Healing


Percent of Christian adults 18-24, actively search for porn

Percent of church-going men watch porn on a regular basis

Percent of North American pastors admit regularly viewing porn

Percent of churches have a ministry for porn addiction

What we do

Apostolic Moral Purity (AMP) is a confidential community of believers committed to empowering Christians to experience deliverance from lust and pornography and find healing for sexual brokenness. AMP believes no one should feel alone in the battle for moral purity; thus, it provides various anonymous and confidential forums that allow for open and honest discussion, testimonies, and support. In a culture that promotes promiscuity, AMP aims to help others live in the joy of salvation by presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.

Never Alone

Twice a month we gather anonymously on Facebook and Youtube with the AMP team and guest speakers to discuss freedom, healing, wholeness and more. These events are free and open for anyone to join.

Walking Free

This is a Christ-centered, 12-step, recovery program for sex addicts. We offer recovery and support groups. Presently our groups are male only. Online meetings — Confidential and anonymous — Proven process of recovery


A set of tips and tools based in biblical principles and neurobiology to help find victory over sexual brokenness. True healing comes when we move beyond just trying to change our behaviors, and we admit and address the underlying hurts that drive our habits.

The Healing Series

Too often women are overlooked in the porn epidemic. While men are the primary consumers of pornography, their spouses are left to deal with hurt and pain. This series is dedicated to just that—healing for betrayed spouses.

About AMP

Apostolic Moral Purity was founded on September 1, 2020. Dr. Daniel Sirstad felt a deep urging to develop a ministry that would reach tens of thousands of Apostolic men and women with a message of hope. Addiction to pornography and sexual immorality can be overcome through personal disciplines combined with the power of God.


AMP believes there must be a balance between the work of the Spirit and the effort of each individual striving to live in sexual purity. We cannot expect God to do all the work for us. Neither can we do all the work alone.


AMP has Apostolic resources, recovery groups for men with pornography, and sexual addictions. AMP is creating recovery groups for betrayed wives and recovery groups for women with pornography and sexual addictions.


AMP desires to reach the Apostolic world and every demographic within the church sharing how sexual purity is achievable even in our present-day society. The task is daunting, but with God all things are possible.


AMP wants every man, woman, young person, and child with an addiction to pornography and sexual impurity to know you are not alone and will not overcome this addiction alone. We are here to help.


AMP is a ministry of DayStar Ministries, a counseling center for Apostolics by Apostolics who counsel couples in crisis and individuals. DayStar Ministries partners with those in pursuit of a degree in Pastoral Counseling.

Our Professional Team

Connect With Us!

Reach out and let us help you live free!

    Dr. Daniel Sirstad


    Troutdale, OR